Remodeling Your Vancouver Home? Here's What to Expect

Remodeling Your Vancouver Home? Here's What to Expect

If you haven’t planned a remodel before, the process can be a bit of a mystery. If you have friends and family who have gone through the remodeling process, some of them likely have a remodeling horror story. But don’t let the stories scare you! Working with a vetted and professional design-build team will completely alleviate any issue you’re worried about and create a process that’s predictable and easy

The first step in getting prepared for a remodel is learning to predict what’s next. How? By reading this guide! We’ve put together a complete guide that will reveal every remodeling mystery. So, grab a snack and pull up a chair to get industry insights from the experts. 


What to Expect When Remodeling Your Home?

You’ll Make a Lot of Decisions

Remodels require a lot of decision-making. Finishes, structural changes, features, and more will need to be decided, but your design-build team will be able to guide you through the process. Also, a good design-builder will ask a lot of questions to understand your home’s current issues and your design goals to best help you make the decisions you’ll be happy with in the end. 


What can you do to avoid decision fatigue? 

Create online vision boards to wrangle your design ideas. Walk around your home and make a list of the parts you want to prioritize. If you’re remodeling your kitchen, think about if your layout works, if you need more storage, or if there is enough natural light. Remodeling your primary bathroom? Consider the materials and features that would make this space more relaxing and rejuvenating. Then, when it’s time for your design meeting, you’ll have plenty of ideas to communicate to your designer. 


How do you prioritize your lists?

The key to making a list is to prioritize your needs then to list your wants. A need might be better lighting in your bathroom while a want might be marble countertops in the kitchen. Prioritizing your lists by ranking each item. This will help you stay within budget and know where you’re willing to compromise when it’s time to design your remodel. 


Your Team Will Need a Lot of Space

During a remodel, there will be a few extra vehicles, a dumpster, and lots of materials waiting to be installed. You’ll need to make sure there will be space for these close to your home. Expect 1-3 vehicles and tool trailers. As for space for the materials, your driveway or garage are great places to store them once they’re delivered. Your crew will also have a portable bathroom on site to use during the remodel to avoid using yours. 


Expect Regular Updates and Consistent Communication

Any home improvement project will take planning, coordinating, and communication. You’ll want to be available to make decisions and be kept in the loop. This also means you’ll want to have a contractor that you like as a professional and also as a person. This will be someone who you’ll talk through decisions with and someone who will communicate with transparency and respect. Keep this in mind during your interviews. If you leave an interview with a not-so-great feeling, trust it, and choose someone else. 


Your Utilities Will Fluctuate From Time to Time

During a remodel, there may be times when your water or electricity will need to be turned off to work on certain places in the home. For example, the bathroom has plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. This means that at a few points during your bathroom remodel process, you will go without electricity to an area of the house. You will also go without water when the plumber is roughing in and trimming out. Both of these processes usually last less than a day. And your remodel contractor should keep you up to date on who is doing what and when in addition to a detailed schedule. 


Expect Disruptions When Remodeling a Home

If you’re staying in your home during the remodel, expect noise–sometimes, a lot of noise. Besides the sound of tools for hours on end, you’ll also have a lot of feet walking in and out, and doors opening and closing dozens of times a day. There will be a lot of communication going on, too (e.g. yelling instructions, passing time with conversations, and so on). 

If you work from home, it might be best to find another place to work during the remodel. The demolition and rough-in portion of the project is typically the loudest. However, all phases of a remodel have their levels of noise. Any way you cut it, tools are typically loud. 

If you have a dog, the crew will probably set off quite a lot of barking, too. Having a pet around can also cause accidents, like tripping, dropping tools and materials, or worse. Consider a doggie daycare or have the little fuzzball stay with a friend during your remodel–or at least during working hours. 

During a kitchen remodel, your daily routine will be disrupted. You should plan to cook in a makeshift kitchen in your garage or budget for ordering out. Remodeling your bathroom? This space won’t be accessible either, but if your home has more than one full bathroom, plan to share this space for the duration of your remodel. 


Construction Dust is Part of the Process 

Construction dust is just part of any remodeling process. The good news is a reputable design-build firm will properly isolate the construction area to keep as much dust contained as possible. Temporary walls and filtration systems will control the spread of dust, but the particles are so incredibly fine that some will get through no matter what. 

When you’re interviewing potential remodelers, especially if you have an older home, ask them about asbestos and lead testing. Also, ask them about their additional protocol and if they’re certified to deal with these hazardous materials. 

Because dust particles are so small, you’ll want to protect furniture and surfaces in the areas adjacent to the construction area. Use plastic drop cloths on your furniture or move them to a different area altogether. 


Your Crew Should Keep a Clean Worksite

Any remodeler that’s reputable and responsible will thoroughly clean the worksite every day. Tools, debris, trash, and building materials should be cleared, removed, or stored safely at the end of each day. Anything less is just bad practice. 


When Your Project Is Finished, It May Not Be Finished

When your project is complete, you’ll be led through your project for a walk-through. This is when your remodeler will create a punch list to note any little discrepancy that needs to be addressed. See a scuff on the wall or a cracked tile? Ideally, your team will have noticed these things on their own and fixed them before the walk-through, but, from time to time, something can get overlooked. You and your project manager will inspect the remodel, make a list, and these things will be addressed immediately. Even in a small remodel, like a half bathroom, take your time to inspect every detail. 


You’re Ready for Your Remodel!

You’ve done your homework and now you are probably more prepared than ever to embark on the remodel you and your family needs! By learning what to expect, your remodeling experience will go more smoothly. What else can you expect? A systematic process that will predictably guide you step-by-step from beginning to end. At North Light Builders, we value your comfort and trust throughout the remodel, starting with a thorough consultation where we’ll learn everything about your home and remodeling goals. Contact North Light Builders to schedule your consultation and let’s begin the journey! 

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