Bathroom, Kitchen, Whole Home Blog | North Light Builders

The Ultimate Guide to a Bathroom Remodel | North Light Builders

Written by Tieson Wooten | Sep 7, 2023 4:30:00 PM

If you're considering a kitchen remodel for your Clark County home you're probably wondering, "How long does a kitchen remodel take?" It's a common question, and the answer can vary widely. Here's a detailed look at the kitchen renovation timeline so you’ll know just what to expect.

A Friendly Reminder About Kitchen Remodeling Timelines

Much like the costs associated with kitchen renovation in Vancouver and the surrounding area, timelines can differ. Factors like the complexity, scope, and size of your kitchen will influence how long your Washington kitchen remodeling project will take. It's best to consult with a trusted design-build firm to get an accurate estimate tailored to your needs.

What's the Average Timeline for Kitchen Remodeling in Vancouver, WA?

On average, a kitchen remodel in Vancouver, WA could take up to a year, including six to eight months of pre-construction. This preparation time ensures that your kitchen renovation meets your expectations without any hasty mistakes.

Research & Interviews (2 to 3 Months)

This step involves exploring kitchen remodelers in Vancouver and identifying your kitchen's challenges. Schedule interviews with different design builders to find the perfect fit for your project. Before your consultation, check out their online portfolios and read many reviews to get a feel for what it might be like to work with them. 

Consultation, In-Home Assessment, & Design (1 to 2 Months)

During this phase, your design-build team will work with you to solve your kitchen's challenges and explore different kitchen design options. They'll gather information about your design aspirations and measurements, ensuring that your kitchen remodel will align with your budget and your vision. 

Product Ordering (Up to 2 Months)

This stage involves ordering every material in your design, from cabinets to flooring. The time it takes depends on your choices, such as whether you opt for custom cabinets or prefabricated ones. Remember, your dream kitchen is taking shape, so waiting for the perfect piece will be totally worth it.

Kitchen Demolition (1 to 2 Weeks)

This part of the kitchen renovation schedule could vary depending on the extent of your remodel. It includes removing every part of your kitchen, from cabinets to floors, and possible a wall or two. 

Structural Updates (2 to 4 Weeks)

If you're creating an open floor plan or expanding your kitchen, this phase includes extending the foundation, installing new windows or doors, and building your island.

Electrical & Plumbing Installation (3 to 5 Days)

This step must be completed before drywall and flooring can be installed. It could include extending the systems into an expanded space or replacing older systems that are past their prime. 

Drywall & Paint (1 to 2 Weeks)

This phase includes drywall, insulation, prep, prime, and painting. If your kitchen remodel is on the minor side, then drywall and insulation may not be part of this step. 

Flooring Installation (3 to 5 Days)

The type of flooring you choose will determine whether it's installed before or after the cabinets. The type of flooring will also determine how long this step may take. 

Cabinets, Finishes, Fixtures, & Appliances (2 Months or More)

This stage brings the design to life. From how long it takes to replace kitchen cabinets to installing countertops, backsplash, and tilework, this phase can take a few days to several weeks, all depending on the finishes you and your designer chose. 

Finishing Touches & Clean Up (1 to 2 Weeks)

The final touches include painting touch-ups and cleaning, ensuring your kitchen looks perfect for your walk-through. If there are any notes on the punch list, this will be handled ASAP and you’ll be ready to move into your brand-new kitchen! 

How Long Will Your Kitchen Remodel Take? 

So, how long does the average kitchen renovation take? As you can see, the answer varies, but with this guide, you'll have a better understanding of the timeline for kitchen remodeling in the Vancouver, Washington area. Whether you're curious about how long it takes to install kitchen cabinets or the overall kitchen remodel time, North Light Builders is here to help you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to us to schedule a consultation and let’s dream up your brand-new kitchen together!